FACTUAL SCENARIO: Lady B came to know of Guy A through a common friend. For several months of regular dating, the two became lovers. B married A in a civil wedding held on April 3, 1998. The union of B and A begot them two children namely – V and S . Unknown to B , A was at the time of their marriage is still very much united in a lawful wedlock with one J whom A married in 1997. A knew that during his marriage to B that J is still alive. In one occasion, B saw A talking to J just outside their house in San Juan. When B confronted A about the incident, A intimated that he contracted a “ secret marriage ” with J but said marriage was not registered and thus not valid. Regrettably, B later discovered the whole truth when A left her and her daughters. The twin marriages of A with both B and J were duly evidenced and supported by Certificates of Ma...
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