A very concerned individual has asked this question in behalf of the many Filipina working as domestic workers in Hong Kong who had been taken advantage of by employment agencies and others, and many owe huge debts – far more than they are ever likely to be able to pay. The requestor of advice is a foreigner who is knowledgeable about bankruptcy law in his country. He wants to know, if under Philippine law, these Filipina women can file a bankruptcy and if the bankruptcy proceeding is a practical method for a person to get out of the burden of debts. He also wants to know if the person residing in Hong Kong would need to return to the Philippines in order to file bankruptcy. My reply: Please know that in my ten years of practice, I have not encountered this question so I honestly do not know the actual procedure in availing this remedy. The basis of my reply is book knowledge and not experience so I may not be the right person to advice you on the practicality of the approach. ...
...what it's like to be a lawyer